Wednesday, February 01, 2006


In my Theories of Personality class today we had a guest speaker from the career center come in and talk to us about how the career advisement center uses the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, among other tests, to help students determine what direction their education and careers should take. I've taken the test before, and am a pretty solid INFP, meaning "Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiver. A mini-profile:

"INFPs are quiet, creative, sensitive and perceptive souls who often strike others as shy, reserved and cool. These folks have a rare capacity for deep caring and commitment--both to the people and causes they idealize. INFPs guide their behavior by a strong inner sense of values, rather than by conventional logic and reason. Forced to cope with this facts-and-figures "real" world we inhabit, INFPs may appear to have been imported from another galaxy! They gravitate toward creative or human service careers which allow them to use their instinctive sens of empathy and remarkable communication skills. Strongly religious, spiritual or philosophical people, INFPs may see the purpose of their lives as an inner journey, quest or personal unfolding. More practical or rational types may tend to discredit the INFP's sources of understanding as mystical. The search for a soulmate is a preoccupation for many INFPs, who must balance their need for privacy and peace with their yearning for human connection. If there seems to be an air of sadness in the INFP's spirit, blame it on this type's longing for the perfect in all things."

Does that sound like me? Inherently, they are classified by their "idealism" and sensitivity and altruistic tendencies. And you know what the #1 job listing is for people who fit into this category (which I didn't know until today)? Psychologist! That was exciting.

If anyone else out there has taken the test, or wants to take it now, I'd be very interested to know how you turn out. I love this stuff.


Anonymous said...

My dad is a big proponent of these tests, I have taken them on 3 different occasions and have tested both infp and intp. the t/f back and forth I agree with. I do think that if I re-took it today I would be closer to an E rather than and I.

Very interesting considering our conversation this evening.....

Anonymous said...

the above was posted bt Matt ^

ryan said...

well, we all fluctuate a little on all the categories, but i can definitely tell that you're far more of an F than a T. We were talking about the different traits of each in class today, and I said the T's were bad at relationships. The speaker thought that was funny. Or maybe the T's are good with other T's, but the F's and the T's just shouldn't try to go together. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.

you know, you don't have to sign in anonymously. matt. i had fun talking about this stuff with you tonight. good times.

Anonymous said...

We took this test during B-school. I was an INTJ although I was an ISTJ this time. The career choices include scientists, engineering, and business. I don't think this is me at all.

Anonymous said...

In case you haven't figured it out, I left the previous post.


Anonymous said...

I am fascinated by these personality tests! I have always come out as an infp. :)

Anonymous said...

Personality tests are always good, i tend to take them as often as I can :)

ryan said...

gee, victor, i can hardly imagine you being an ISTJ. i thought about several of my friends who seemed obvious, and that's what I came up with for you, actually.

Anonymous said...

I think I was ENTJ in high school (we were like lab rats, always having psych tests or something administered to us) and INTJ more recently when I took it. I think. I could be remembering wrong. I was whatever is the most common one first and then I flipped from being extro- to introverted. I think it was living with you and Victor that did it. :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't login as annonymous for a reason, I just dont have a blogger account.

I remember one of the most terrifying things about this test when I took the first time ( i was maybe 15) was that the results said I should marry someone like my mother. I wasn't too keen on that at the time.

I do think I have quite a bit of T in me.


Anonymous said...

I'm stunned, I'm an INFP, I always thought I was an ENFP. I read it and it does make sense...good to know, I think...I like that A.A. Milne and I are the same "type" and, of course, I like being "rare". ; )
And, at one time, I almost went for a MSW. Film is the new social work...

Anonymous said...

"Film is the new Social Work"? yikes!


ryan said...

Yeah, INFP's are the most rare of the breed. I like that too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no film isn't really the new social work..I was exaggerating..INFPs tend to do that.