Monday, August 15, 2005

trouble loves me

i just had the craziest dream about pancakes, and now i'm craving some so bad i would kill my cat if somebody would come over and make some for me. not really, but i want some really really really really bad.

it's almost 8:00pm, and i have yet to put pants on today. it's been a pants-free day. and it's been good. i've also taken 3 extra-strength Vicodin.

for reasons that will heretofore go unmentioned, i hate hillary duff. i just decided. and how much fucking heroin is she on?

before it gets too far away, i want to send a massive THANK YOU to kurt, bryan, chris, and joe for really coming through for me this weekend when it really counted. you guys are Gold, and i thank each one of you from the bottom of my black, dead heart.

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